Introducing SQUARING THE CIRCLE! Join Randall in his new podcast 'Squaring The Circle'; An endeavor to "reconcile the irreconcilable" using reason, rationale and critical thinking.
Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. For those familiar with Randall's work, you can of course expect this podcast to feature his extensive knowledge in all areas of his expertise, but that's not all. Randall will also play host to some of the finest minds of our time in exclusive interviews, where he and his guests will tackle the most complex and controversial issues facing our world today.

It is the mission of the KOSMOGRAPHIA PODCAST to investigate and document the catastrophic history of the word and the evidence for advanced knowledge in earlier cultures.
The Kosmographia Podcast and supporting videos on this site are designed to advance your personal understanding of the implications of this knowledge. You will also learn of the profound affect it has on human civilization (both past and future), its relevance to Earth herself and how to successfully cope with the inevitable changes that are sure to visit our dynamic geocosmic system.