Episode #059: Egypt Tour Review with UnchartedX and Cosmic Tusk
We get an accelerated review from the leader of the sole tour group that was visiting the awe-inspiring temples and ruins along Egypt’s Nile River Valley late last November into December.
Episode #058: Intense Pluvial Events in the Southern Appalachians
Outlining the progression of thinking about the cause of blockfields and sediment fans throughout the southern Appalachian Mountains, from the gradualist perspective of periglacial effects to a more catastrophic view of extraordinary rainstorm events.
Episode #057: Ciphers and Symbolism / Appalachian Megafloods
Symbolism and ciphers, the Tarot and Temperance, Kabbala and Hebrew alphabet, cycles of destruction and Freemasonry. After that whirlwind of mind-twisters, RC articulates a brief review to get us reoriented back into the megaflood evidence across NA.
Episode #056: Swapcast with Grimerica – Tours and Events
The guys who brought it all together! We recall how the relationships and events initiated back in 2014, and reminisce about the great people that have gotten involved to grow this community of historical curiosity.
Contact at the Cabin events
SW Colorado reviewed, and future plans are previewed: a “Grail Mystery” tour into France and a “Plato’s Atlantis Azores event.
Episode #055: Clues to Reconstruct Megaflood Events
Evidence is everywhere, as we converge once again on Central New York State and the Finger Lakes / Lake Ontario region to explore the many glacio-fluvial features, many possibly the result of another proposed impact that created the Rochester Basin.
Michigan’s Saginaw Lobe and Grand Valley
Considering accumulation of ice and glacier flow/spread, differences between living/dead ice, flood/megaflood events, & maps.
Episode #054: Traumatic Subglacial Erosion of Finger Lakes Region
Get reoriented with Finger Lakes, NY, region’s topography and erosion features / geomorphology that must have resulted from regional floods / more landforms that were from catastrophic subglacial discharges / varied flow-forms all around Lake Ontario
Episode #053: Ontario Impact – Finger Lakes and Drumlins
We get back into the formation of drumlins and the problem of scale, while revealing massive swarms in and around Lake Ontario, which includes a deep basin that seems an emanation point for the radial Finger Lakes.
Episode #052: Meteor Crater and Monumental Erosion
Effects of the blast wave from the central Arizona impact 50,000 years ago / detonations of nuclear weapons during the 1950’s / estimates for a similar event every 1600 years are pondered – considered to be even shorter now?
Episode #051: Southwest Experience Tour Review
NE Arizona and SE Utah: RC shares his images and scrolls around maps. We visited Sedona, Meteor Crater, Rock Art Ranch, Monument Valley, the Great Goosenecks, Mexican Hat, Valley of the Gods, Montezuma’s “Castle”, Montezuma’s Well, and Tuzigoot ruins
Episode #050: Wisconsin Glacial Megafloods
Sites we’ll be visiting on the “Southwest Experience” tour / reminiscing about prior trips and a memorable retreat in Colorado’s Sangre de Cristo Mountains / reminded of links between micro/macro evidence that can help identify ice sheet impact sites